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【中国当代艺术数据库】 本页最后更新时间:2015-01-21 12:13:50
网站分类: 艺术爱好
网站名称: 中国当代艺术数据库
网站地址: www.artlinkart.com


网站原标题: chinese,artlinkart,database,contemporary,art
网站关键词: project,gallery,platform,interview,archive,research,chinese,biennale,museum,contemporary,onsite,artlinkart,print,article,art,critic,group,artwork,artist,sculpture,painting,video,exhibition,fair,triennial,biennial,publication,performance,object,press,academic,investment,curator,critique,database,installation,sound,photography,solo,history,space
网站原描述: artlinkart is an online database project for chinese contemporary art; artlinkart is a bilingual art website for both chinese and english readers;artlinkart is targeting on archiving the complete chinese contemporary art history more accurately and subjectively; artlinkart is a basic information register for everything from academic study to investment reference and other professional purposes;
主要内容: n lab about us artists exhibitions spaces articles publications works visuals
database latest updated 05:00, may. 12 2018 (china) artists exhibitions space artworks articles on-scene photos 44,095 38,880 2,226 85,671 11,121 107,346 ongoing exhibitions upcoming exhibitions showing artists showing space 246 72 794 204 database is now updating... more please contact us for any mistake via info@artlinkart.comif you have any art info for us, please see www.artli
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