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【中国银联 】 本页最后更新时间:2015-01-26 10:46:57
网站分类: 银行保险
网站名称: 中国银联
网站地址: www.chinaunionpay.com

中国银联 最权威的银行卡门户网站,提供全方位的银行卡资讯与服务,最齐全的银联标准卡产品搜索比较,出境

网站原标题: international,unionpay,homepage
网站关键词: card,international,unionpay,cash,atm,unionpayintl,银联国际,银联,withdrawal
网站原描述: unionpay international is a subsidiary focusing on international business of unionpay. unionpay international defines membership scheme to be the basis for development of the worldwide unionpay card acceptance network; promotes the international issuance and usage of the unionpay card as well as other innovative payment solutions and enhance the international brand position of unionpay
主要内容: npay card services & products merchants & offers
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